Hey there,

I'm Ronisha

Daughter of God | Speaker | Kingdom Ambassador

I help God's daughters Make peace with their past, Gain clarity of God & Their identity in Christ.

My sisters come to me to get support with:

  • Letting go of the past and stepping into the NEW LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST.

  • Identifying the ROOT of constant negative cycles

  • Positioning themselves as Kingdom daughters who are called to Reign by taking on the mind of Christ.

  • To Simply enjoy a great and transformative Bible study!

What is my mission?

18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

LUKE 4:18

I help lead you to the Beauty in Christ Jesus for You.

Our Principles & Services


Meet likeminded women to help encourage you on through your walk


Matthew 18:19-20, touch and agree with us to bring it to pass.


The way up in the kingdom is Down. The word of God, over "Feelings"


Whatever we do it must be from LOVE or it's done in vain. LOVE Is the principal thing.


Join us every Tuesday and Thursday as we dive into God's word 7:30pm Via ZOOM.


We give God the glory through our Transformation


Get support in bringing out the skills and gifts God put on the inside of You.


Read with us. We're always seeking wisdom to grow as women

Join our Free community and Bible study

Are you ready to be transformed into who God says you are? This is the place to be.

Schedule a 1:1 Call with me

Do you need to talk sis? Book your calls here.

You are who God says you are

Office: The Kingdom of God


Site: www.Calledtoreign.com

Copyright 2022 . All rights reserved